Thursday, October 16, 2008


It’s been another crazy week! I feel like I should stop writing that, because while I think it will always be true to a certain extent, it will start feeling very repetitive. It’s just amazing to me how many new things I keep learning. It never stops! Every day has a new opportunity, a new skill to learn, a new kind of prayer, a new level of friendship. I have never learned so much in my life.

Luckily, I am a nerd, and I love to learn new things.

Last weekend we went down to Atlanta for a Theology of the Body conference presented by Christopher West. What I would like to know is: where has this been all my life?! I am going to have to get myself a copy of the book—or at least Christopher West’s commentary as a start. I can’t even begin to write about the revelations I had over those two days; there are just too many. Suffice it to say that life and vocations and family—basically every relationship I have or have ever had or ever will have—makes a lot more sense now. The most significant thing I took away from the weekend was the realization of what an amazing blessing it is to be a woman; I’m just starting to really appreciate how God made me and what that looks like and what that means for me and my life, as a woman. It’s definitely something I’ll have to explore more and live into as I continue my year here.

I also realized this weekend just how much I’ve already grown attached to being here, how much this already feels like home. I mean, I’ve talked before about loving the lifestyle here, but I’ve come to understand that it goes above and beyond that as well. I was gone for about 4 days—4 days that were actually surprisingly hard! I loved being able to see my family and spend time with them, but the whole time I was away I had a feeling that there was another family that I was separated from. It was really good, although somewhat odd, when the plane landed back in Atlanta on Wednesday and I felt relieved to be back “home.” I certainly did not expect that; or at least expect it to happen so quickly.

Please pray for all of us here as we discern as a community the best direction for our mission trip in December. And please continue to pray for me, as I grow and learn and love out here—and know that I am praying for you too.


mamacita said...

There is a void here with you away, but I'm glad life is suiting you there...

Anonymous said...

I agree with mamacita...there is a huge void without you here. I am glad all is going well there and that you are allowing God to work through you to spread His love to all those your meet. I look forward to talking and catching up. Know you are missed and are in my prayers.

The Murphinator said...

You've already realized something that I've never discovered in my 44 years here on earth...I STILL have no idea what an amazing blessing it is to be a woman. Will I ever? I think not. (Sometimes I think it's better if I don't verbalize my thoughts.)

I can send you my copy of "Theology of the Body" if you'd like, or buy you your own copy. Let me know.