Friday, December 5, 2008

"I will make all things new..."

There have been a lot of “firsts” for me since I’ve been living and working and praying at Covecrest; I’ve already written about some of the revelations, “epiphany moments,” if you will, that I’ve had while here. The beauty of this year is that I am not limited to spiritual growth—I’ve been learning tons of new skills and trying all sorts of new things. So I thought I would start a running list of all the “firsts” I’ve experienced here at Covecrest:

1) Breaking and ripping up tile (also the first time using a crowbar)
2) Splitting wood (not as exciting as I thought...the machine goes really slow)
3) Digging a hole for the foundation of a porch (I needed lots of help with this one)
4) Filling in a ditch for a water line
5) Pruning trees (really satisfying)
6) Dry-walling (I’m so good at this...if the whole missionary thing doesn’t work out, I could work for a contracting company)
7) Seeing snow fall (better than Disneyland!)
8) Starting a beat up truck in second gear (also first time starting a car without a key)
9) Changing a paper towel roll in a public restroom
10) Cooking eggs for 200 people (although I can’t lift the pan...)
11) Driving to Mexico in a 15 passenger van
12) Getting pulled over by the Mexican police (twice...)
13) Eating tamarind candy (I do not suggest this one)
14) Going to Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi (all in one car ride too)
15) Crossing the Mississippi river
16) Seeing a levee
17) Having more holy hours than meal times in my schedule
18) Eating at an all-you-can-eat-for-five-dollars pizza buffet
19) Finding out how much tabernacles actually cost (it's insane. look it up)
20) Scheduling time to make a schedule

Who knew there was so much to learn? There will be plenty more to come, I’m sure. Keep watching for more updates!!

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