Friday, August 14, 2009

Things, they are a changin

As I sit here, on my last official night in this mission formation year, in that lull before the groups arrive for the weekend, I find myself becoming slightly sentimental (luckily, no tears...yet). In some ways, I feel like I'm back at the beginning of the year, and in so many other ways, I know that I'm in a completely different place. The result is this awkward deja-vu feeling, or like I'm doing the same thing in reverse: writing yet another mission letter, packing up all my things into two suitcases, getting ready to say goodbye to people I consider family. Crazy.

It's definitely a time of transition; hard, but necessary at the same time. I'm having a hard time with moving on from this place, but I'm also so excited for what's coming next. Thanks for hanging in there all year, and get ready for round two! Get ready Germany, Life Teen Missions is on its way!

Love to you all and God bless.